Instructions for use Delislim

instructions for Delislim capsules

Delislim capsules were created on the basis of long-term research on the keto effect, the rapid weight loss is due to the natural composition and carefully selected proportions.

How to use Delislim capsules?

The instructions for use are very simple: the medicine is taken 2 times a day, washed down with a sufficient amount of water. There are no side effects, except in cases of individual intolerance to the components. The capsules are oral, so a skin test is not possible. In case of allergy, the drug should be discontinued.

The keto effect usually appears after 1. 5-2 weeks of taking the capsules in combination with a diet.

Keto diet

Component Explanation, proportion
Foods containing fat 7\10, hard cheeses, cream, avocado, coconut oil can be used.
squirrels 2\10, chicken, sea fish, pork, lamb are allowed.
Carbohydrates 1/10, the minimum amount of carbohydrates recommended for consumption to support the activity of neurons that need glucose.
water 2. 5 liters or more.

A body that doesn't get enough sugary foods, such as from sweetened beverages, starts burning fat in the liver for energy.

How does ketosis manifest itself?

Delislim capsules cause apparent fat burning, increased urine output, dry mouth, increased energy, reduced fatigue, possible breath odor reminiscent of overripe fruit. Weight loss is greatest in patients with obvious obesity: 5-7 kg in 2-3 weeks with a lasting result, lowering sugar levels, improving well-being. In naturally slender women, there is an increase in body sculpture, an improvement in complexion.


Obesity of various types and genesis, diabetes mellitus type 2, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, neurological diseases and other diseases (hyperinsulinism, Parkinson's disease, migraine, ischemia) in which the keto diet is used as part of therapy. It can also be used as a quick weight loss aid before bariatric surgery.

In the 21st century, the number of people suffering from obesity of 1-4 degrees on the planet exceeded 2 billion people, and in Slovenia the situation corresponds to the average. Excess weight is a serious disease that contributes to the development of: arthritis, cardiopathy, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, liver problems. Women can have a miscarriage or premature birth, eclampsia, overweight during pregnancy, overweight babies born to them, which in childhood can acquire: scoliosis, arthrosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, psycho-emotional problems, ridicule from peersin addition to the above diseases. Delislim will save you from these problems!


A prescription is not required to purchase Delislim capsule, but there may be cases of individual intolerance to the ingredients or unwanted use due to co-morbidities, including type 1 diabetes. With him, due to pancreatic dysfunction, a state of ketoacidosis can be observed - extremeunacceptable degree on a keto diet.